Multiplication Table In C++ Without Loop:
First Of all , you are begineer in c programming. please visitmy website and i will provide you table code in this post.
First, you go to visual studio code and create a file
int main()
int num;
printf("Enter the number you want multiplication table of\n");
Scanf("%d ",&num);
printf("table of %d ",num);
printf("%d X 1\n",num,num*1);
printf("%d X 2=%d\n",num,num*2);
printf("%d X 3=%d\n",num,num*3);
printf("%d X 4=%d\n",num,num*4);
printf("%d X 5=%d\n",num,num*5);
printf("%d X 6=%d\n",num,num*6);
printf("%d X 7=%d\n",num,num*7);
printf("%d X 8=%d\n",num,num*8);
printf("%d X 9=%d\n",num,num*9);
printf("%d X 10=%d\n",num,num*10);
return 0;
After Completing this code give output image given below
And the multiplication table code is
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Thanks for reading: How to create a program of showing multiplication table and multiplying start point and end point in C programming?, Sorry, my English is bad:)